I went to New Orleans at the end of March for an emergency medicine CME program and stole away a little bit of time to explore the city and its inhabitants (if you're using an iPad or iPhone, use this link to get to the pics)...
All in all, I can't say NOLA is my kind of city... I understand that there are some amazing restaurants, but I'm not really a "foodie," and I'm just as happy with a good sandwich; and the idea of waiting in line for two hours to get in to a restaurant, to me, is insane. And while I like a good drink, the fact that I'd be able to walk around with a beer or whatever isn't that exciting. I'm not going to use that as an excuse to get smashed. The city is pretty dirty, as are many of the locals. And for some reason, it's a "job" to sit around with a cardboard sign begging for money. I certainly understand homelessness and poverty are major problems, but I'd guess that there are better ways to try to get yourself financially stable than painting your face gold and sitting in front of a bucket waiting for spare change. But what do I know?